The Asia Zone IMPACT Awards was held on the 16th June 2021 with great success! Among the 23 outstanding projects in Asia, 3 projects stand out for their pioneering ecological transformation solutions. The top 3 winners are: Beijing Yanshan Sinopec (1st Place Winner), Hongkong Kai Tak Development DCS & Nagpur Full City Water Utility Operation (2nd Place Winners).
IMPACT Awards are designed to reward benchmark projects that have a balanced impact on five aspects of our multifaceted performance: environmental, commercial, social, human resources, economic and financial. The first IMPACT Awards was launched in September 2019. Five benchmark projects out of 66 worldwide projects were selected, and the WeChat program ICIACT project - China team was one of them! This year, with the enthusiastic participation of our resourcers from different BU in Asia, 23 projects were nominated.
The Pitch Session Video
Top 3 winners of the Asia Zone IMPACT Awards
Beijing Yanshan Sinopec
In 2006, Veolia began to provide wastewater treatment services to Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical (BYPC). In 2016, the scope of cooperation expanded to the entirety of BYPC’s water cycle management (including cooling water, demineralized water, industrial water, drinking water, chilled water, and firefighting water) with the objective of upgrading wastewater treatment plants and optimizing energy management.
In 2017, BYPC and Veolia transformed the Niukouyu Ecological Center into an ecological wetland park, and opened to public visits. After Veolia's multiple purification steps, the industrial wastewater achieves the emission index. The wetland park currently hosts as many as 144 bird species. It has improved the environment and quality of life for local residents, while restoring the damaged ecosystem.
Hong Kong Kai Tak Development DCS
Located on the site of the former Hong Kong Kai Tak airport, the new Kai Tak district comprises a mixed development of offices, shops, hotels, schools and the new regional cruise hub. With a cooling capacity of 284MW, the facility is the first of its kind in Hong Kong to use chilled water as a cooling medium, replacing the traditional air-cooling methods for the air-conditioning system. A total cooling capacity of 81,000 RT (284 MW), derived from sea water helps to reduce the energy cost and environmental carbon footprint.
Nagpur Full City Water Utility Operation - India
Nagpur used to face huge pressure of water supply: frequent water outage, up to 60% loss of pipe network, substandard drinking water quality... To address these concerns, the central Indian city signed a 25-year contract with Veolia in 2012.